Saturday, March 22, 2014

Sacrifice Shikoku...

For a trip that was inspired by a crazy idea of going on a 3 week hike and temple hopping  in Japan's smallest and less visited island, Shikoku, this was one tough choice to make. 

3 wasn't long after a quick web search that I understood that I would have to come back to Japan if I wanted to walk the "Shikoku path", which undoubtedly calls for a trip on its own. My thoughts were confirmed when I started reading my Japan Lonely Planet guide, which made planning twice as difficult since the authors did an excellent job showing their love for Japan, in addition to the myriad of articles and posts I read from travellers.   

So, I shaped this trip as an expression of constructive self-indulgence and decided to see...everything! Battle my spring allergies while walking under blooming sakura in Tokyo, hiking around Mount Fuji, being spooked by bamboo trees near Kyoto, meditating in Mount Koya, seeing the lights of Osaka, enjoying the sun and splendid nature in Yakushima, relaxing in an onsen in Beppu before heading off to Beijing and making it to North Korea in time for Labour day.

Shikoku will have to wait for now... 

Current travel plan

Personal travel map at Travellerspoint.